Friday, May 16, 2008


I'm at it with the camera again. This one from rehearsals of Manfred's piece called Fugue/Subter-fug(u)e, with a lot of insight from him about the piece and where it came from. This one's a little longer, and in two parts, so I'll let it speak for itself:

Part 1:

Part 2:



Wednesday, May 14, 2008

glimpse of an off hand moment

She held me upside down on her shoulders. My laughter shook the both of us as we spiraled to the floor. Then, without any warning, her grip pulled on my pants which in turn pulled on my underwear which in turn revealed the hint of a smile I try not to show in public. A redness flooded my face as I abondoned ship sending us both crashing in to a pile of laughter and swift tugs at loose clothing.

Thankfully, Matt had yet to turn on his camera.


Friday, May 09, 2008

Rehearsal video

Hi folks, if you haven't seen it yet, here's the video I shot last week of the company rehearsing with Kun-Yang Lin:

They're working on Kun-Yang's "Emptiness of Snow." Here's a bit about it:

"'Emptiness of Snow' contemplates the Buddhist concept of 'emptiness.' Through the complex metaphor of winter, the dancers will explore the relationship of the world that is seen (the ever-changing world of dimensionality) with the world that is unseen (the never-changing world beyond our mind and senses)."

Hope to see you at the Arts Bank in June! In the meantime, watch for more video clips of pieces that will be on the program.
