Entranced In Dance In the Life of Plants...
Join Group Motion workshop participants as they present a structured improvisational movement ritual that will take you on a journey into th
e life of plants....

Sunday, May 6th at 3:00pm at the Community Education Center (3500 Lancaster Avenue in Philadelphia)
This afternoon performance is directed by Brigitta Herrmann and Manfred Fischbeck and is inspired by the book "The Secret Life of Plants" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. An open reception/potluck will follow the performance.
This is Group Motion's sixth Intergenerational Performance Workshop showcasing members of our community.
"No plant, says France, is without movement; all growth is a series of movements; plants are constantly preoccupied with bending, turning and quivering. He describes a summer day with thousands of polyplike arms reaching from a peaceful arbor, trembling, quivering in their eagerness for new support for the heavy stalk that grows behind them. When the tendril, which sweeps a full circle in sixty-seven minutes, finds a perch, within twenty seconds it starts to curve around the object, and within the hour has wound itself so firmly it is hard to tear away. The tendril then curls itself like a corkscrew and in so doing raises the vine to itself.... "