Tuesday, November 28, 2006

dancing into the new year....

Dear Group Motion Friends,
We hope this note finds you well! Our traditional January Retreat in Florida will not occur this year; instead, we are looking to gather in the Poconos at the Kirkridge Retreat Center near Bangor, a very beautiful place. This opportunity has just opened up for a small window of time—a significant one however; Dec. 29 through Jan. 1. We have danced into the New Year once before –on the beach in Sarasota. This time we will be in the mountains as we move and are moved into 2007.The workshop sessions will start Friday evening and continue throughout the weekend, ending on New Year’s Day (Monday) morning.The fee is $195 plus $115 per day for lodging and meals (for three days). As always, limited scholarships are available.
There are 15 places to be filled and half of them already are. So, let us know that you will be joining this wonderful way to dance into the New Year.Call 215-387-9895, or e-mail to company@groupmotion.org.
Manfred and Brigitta

Group Motion Multi Media Dance Company
3500 Lancaster Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104

$195 Workshop Fee
$345 Room and Board (meals included)
Registration Deadline: December 12, 2006
Please call 215-387-9895 or e-mail company@groupmotion.org to register!