Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Off we go, to TOKYO . . .

The company is busy preparing for our tour to Tokyo from October 6-16. This trip is extremely meaningful to the company as it allows us to bring one of our most impressive projects, "RONDO" to the birthplace of its choreographer. You may remember our premeiere of RONDO, a collaboration with Tokyo dance company, Leni-Basso, last year. Traveling to Japan with this piece has been in the works since the project began, and we are THRILLED that it is becoming a reality...
We are, however, slightly short on funding, so your generosity is ALWAYS appreciated. You can make a donation ONLINE at www.guidestar.org/partners/networkforgood/donate.jsp?ein=23-1855995 or by phone (215-387-9895) or mail (3500 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104). Manfred, the dancers, the staff and the board are so proud of this project -- we promise to bring you photos and stories as soon as we get back . . . thanks for your generosity and support... we've ALWAYS appreciated it...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Cell:Movement in Restricted Spaces. . . .how amazing

How incredible! Four sold out shows, a great reveiw in the inquirer (http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertainment/performing_arts/15464453.htm) and dozens of comments from friends and community members about how moving the performance was--- we hope you were able to join us! Manfred, Silvana, guest artist Oscar Araiz and the dancers thank you for your support in this project...